Saturday December 10th, 2005 Lutsen
Snow & Weather: 25 degrees 3 inches new snow
Vertical feet& runs: ??? (estimate) 10,000 ft. me dumbass forgot watch
Comments: Had a hella good time. Great snow we partied way too hard the night before. DBD said I have a "blanus" We all ripped today!
Disclaimer: The following are transcripts of guest comments and do not necesarily reflect my views or oppinions.
Pope: "Me drinky drunk. Me saw ____. Big funny nose. We tore it up. Now I smell like coast soap. Snowboarding is fun stuff."
Glen: "It was a ___jitsu that Pope saw, confirmed by pink belt. I snowboard 1.5 days with a broken hip. It was Awesome!! We also rode freshies on Moose!! Heather was the hero of the day, way to hoard the beer and suffer through the frat boy shoosh bags crap."
Roley: "I like snowboarding is good all the happy time for fun on the mountain. I like Matt. He make jokey fun time. Weather channel is Butt hole dummies. ___ are A OK with me."
Heather: "So I did a little snowboarding and then I did a little drinking. I heart my new Feelgood ES and my new Ions and Cartels. I owned the mountain until I had 2 beers @ the chalet then I became "2 beer Heather" and it all fell apart. The best time was making out w/Pope in the Gondola when it stalled for 20 minutes. The best part so far was lickin my fingers and bitch slapping Matt's ass till my hand hurt. Papa Charlies earlier today was a lot of fun. I feel like I have finally found a cool group of cats that like to whoop it up and shred. All are my new BFFs. I think I will go to Claires on Monday and get a BFF necklace for everyone to share with me. Kisses and hugs, I heart U diary, Heart Heather"
Josh: "Captain Noseroll strikes again!!!!"
Kevin: "Matt wasn't flamin to bad today but complained of sore ass this morn. Josh's 156 BMC rocks!"
Terra: "Riding today was almost as sweet as Heather slapping Matt's bare ass. Holla!"
Al: "I fell down while you were filming me. I hope got the shot of me throwing the single deuce. I rode good."
Vicki: "First half of today was excellent, second half after the beer was a little tougher. Riding was great today but it cant top the entertainment Matt provided us last night. Oh and I learned that I'm way too nieve around Matt. He drank the entire way up to Lutsen and I thought he was just rehydrating with his Gatorade. I figured it out when we stepped out of the car in Lutsen and Matt was slurring and stumbling."
Christina: "Overall definately an ass-slapping good time! Snow was fast! Me too! The snow outlasted me, I warmed up with my prissy Baileys & Hot Chocolate. If I could beat Heather up I would so I could steal her ES. Keep working on Manual!"
Nancy: "I rode the best ever today!! Pretty sure I will be able to keep up with the gang but I know my limits and will never be able to keep up with the drinking! Had a blast."
Darren: "The Baron ES rides sweet and looks AWESOME! Great crew and a ton of party fun. I'm surprised Matt could sit today. I could party and ride with this crew everyday and never get tired of it. This is an awesome first trip of the season!!"
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