
Saturday January 28th, 2006 Welch Village

Snow & weather: mushy crap rain. 38 degrees WTF???????

Vertical feet & runs: 5,930 ft 13 runs

Comments: Rode with Vicki and met up with Cuz Jeff later.

Snow sucked, it was warm and rained on us. Yes I said rain on Jan 28th.

Summit Brewery had a medallion hunt. We weren't gonna participate but got caught up in the excitement and played along. Two old skier bitches found the medallion. They found it 20 minutes into search but didn't tell anyone for 3 hours while all the dumb asses kept looking. I say wayt to go cool old ladies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey was just rolling thru wanted to let ya know ya got a cool blog here Nice Job.

4:19 AM  

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